Sylvia Earle on the Oceans


Thursday, November 29, 2012


Scientist Discover There Is 

More Plastic Waste In The Oceans

Than Previously Thought 

There is much more unrecorded plastic
deeper in the ocean-not just on the
 waters surface.
On April 27th 2012 researchers
announced that they had "found
that there is far more plastic in
the world's oceans than previously
thought". Oceanographer Giora
Proskurowski of the University
of Washington while on a research
cruise in the Pacific Ocean noticed
that the "wind was pushing the
lightweight plastic particles below 
the surface". 
In 2010 a research team took water samples from different depth in the North Atlantic Ocean and using a “mathematical model to match historical weather data, collected by satellites, with previous surface sampling” they were more accurately able to estimate the amount of plastic in the oceans. What they discovered was “that there was much more unrecorded plastic deeper in the ocean-not just on the waters surface” by an average factor of 2.5 and in high winds by a factor of 27; which is well above previous estimates that were just collected from the surface of the water.
Proskurowski went on to say that "the scope of the problem is not just at the very surface but goes down to 20 meters or so, and that plastic is distributed throughout this layer".

The importance of these findings only
demonstrates how much more our oceans and marine life wild-life are at risk than previously thought. In addition, the plastics that are deep in the oceans are acting "as a carrier for bacteria spreading it across the oceans".

The entire article can be viewed at:

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